The RCH Medical Alumni Association was established in 1988, with Dr Norman Wettenhall as its first President and Mr Nate Myers as Hon Secretary, as a group of medical and dental staff who had worked either as trainees or as consultants at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Initially the organisation was universally known as 'The RCH Medical Alumni', but in more recent times it has tended to be referred to more loosely as 'The RCH Alumni', as a number of members are not Medical.
We are a group of professionals who have spent at least part of our working life at The Royal Children's Hospital Campus. We wish to maintain and develop friendships made during our working life. We also seek to promote the wellbeing of the hospital. We do this by encouraging eligible individuals to join the Alumni and to participate in our activities. These include 4 - 5 luncheons (approximately every three months) with a guest speaker, attendance at the RCH functions such as grand rounds and special lectures arranged by the hospital and an end of the year Gala Dinner. Through our newsletters, which have recently been re-named "Aluminations", we aim to disseminate news of the activities and interests of our members.
The RCH Alumni welcomes as members medical and dental graduates who have been members of staff at the Royal Children's Hospital campus (including Resident Medical Officers and Registrars who have subsequently pursued a career in any branch of paediatrics or child health) and have ceased to have an active medical or dental appointment at the Royal Children's Hospital campus, or have reached the age of 65. Former senior professional and scientific staff who have worked at the RCH Campus are also eligible, as are staff of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, including the Victorian Clinical Genetics Service, and the University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics.
The spouse or partner of a deceased member is entitled to continuing membership.
Applications for membership are invited from eligible individuals who have retired, reached the age of 65, or have taken up appointments at other institutions, but wish to retain a link with RCH through membership of the Alumni.
Apply for membership
Membership Application form
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee for 2024 is Dr Garry Warne AM (President), A/Prof. Christine Rodda (Honorary Secretary), Prof. George Werther AO (Treasurer), Dr Caroline Clarke, Ruth Wraith OAM, Dr Kevin Collins, Ms Gigi Williams, Ms Bronwyn Hewitt, Prof. James (Jim) Wilkinson AM and A/Prof. Jill Sewell AM. George Werther, Jim Wilkinson and Ruth Wraith will retire from the committee at the end of 2024.
The Constitution of the RCH Alumni
The new constitution was passed at the recent 2024 Alumni AGM. It can be accessed via the button below.
Alumni constitution 2024